Tips for Getting Your Children Prepared For Halloween Night

Halloween is fast approaching and you likely have little ones that want to go out trick or treating for as much candy as they can possibly tote around with them. Regardless of where you live, there are some different supplies that you want to have on hand when you take the little ones out. There are also some ways to plan ahead to make sure that Halloween night goes as smoothly as possible.

Power Rangers Halloween 2012

First and most important you child needs a costume. Be sure that it’s something comfortable and easy to walk in. There’s nothing wrong with letting your child walk around in sneakers for trick or treating and there are plenty of costumes that offer boot covers and such so they will never be seen.

Be sure to have all of the supplies and makeup that you need for Halloween night at least a week in advance. Stores can get picked over fast and you don’t want to be running around the day of to find fake blood or a clown nose to complete the makeover.

A bag to collect the candy is important. Pillow cases are boring and won’t go with your child’s costume and plastic bags can rip; ruining the night. Thirty-One Gifts has a glow in the dark Happy Owl-Leen Spirit Cinch Sac that you can even customize with your child’s name here: It’s a large bag that can be used for trick or treating and is sturdy enough to hold as much candy as your little one can collect. The bags are available in all sorts of colors, so you’re sure to find one that will match the costume.


It’s also important to have some kind of light. Whether you are familiar with the neighborhood or not, you want to make sure your little one has a light to carry to be able to see obstacles on the driveways and in the yards in case someone doesn’t have their home well lit. Many people turn the lights low to give it that eerie effect and you don’t want it to become a trip hazard.

Halloween night is going to be crazy. Just go ahead and accept this and things will go smoother from there. You are going to have trick or treaters coming to the door and you have to get your own kids ready. It’s hard to get your kids ready when you have to constantly deal with the “trick or treat” of kids at your front door. Ask a friend or family member to cover the door for you or drop your candy at the neighbors for the time that you are getting your kid ready and taking him or her trick or treating.

Halloween 2012

Avoid putting makeup on your child until right before you leave to avoid smudges and them wiping at their face.

Once your little one is all decked out in costume, grab your cinch sac and enjoy the trick or treating that your town has to offer!

About the author
Mrs. Hatland is a 30-something married, mom of 7 and the face behind the popular online publication, Motherhood Defined. Known as the Iowa Mom blogger by her local peers and “The Fairy Blogmother” worldwide. She has professional experience in working closely with clients on brand ambassadorships, client outreach services, content creation and creative social media advertising exposure.

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